Customer Testimonials

At Buddy Paws, your satisfaction is our top priority!

I have my dogs groomed here every six weeks and Jennifer always does a great job! She is very well priced and my dogs just love her.

— Aaron D.

Booking with Jennifer was a breeze! She is very informative and professional for those who may not have used a groomer before. Her personality is calm for even the most anxious fur babies! My little pup does not like clippers, so Jennifer gave him her calm and worked her magic! My dog has never looked more handsome, or felt more soft and clean. Buddy Paws provides a clean, safe and professional environment. If you are looking for an outstanding groomer at a reasonable price, look no further. We are hooked on Buddy Paws!

— Amysara R.

Both of my dogs came out looking great, one of my dogs can be a little moody sometimes but he took to Jennifer right away. Great Job

— Ricky M.

Great place … she is the best!

— Tracey L.

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